

this time i'm serious.

(I am tame)

and I want to believe

I want to believe but

sometimes i cave

and I don't want to write without reason

but if i don't write then I commit treason

if i don't release, and if i don't write

so it's either I write or i cave

so i have to just write and be brave

because if i can be brave

i can realize that I am not a slave

if i can be brave and hit a new wave

and let go of this worldly craze

Then I can say i am no slave

slave to my dependence

to my inconsistent attendance

and then it will be engraved

that all i crave is transcendence

if i can observe

if i can just observe five times a day

and not succumb to five types of play

and if i can just pray

if i can just pray

i will be okay

i am told to be tame, and I am told to be polite

I am told to follow my dreams but be a doctor

I am told to be safe from men but also let him be my protector

i don't need the protection of any other man

or woman,

because if i can just believe

and if i can just achieve

a friendship with god

and i can just seek what i sought

then i don't need any protection

and i will be okay, with just a bit of reflection

if i could i would write my own creed, about a woman of religion

and a woman of culture

because sure culture is beautiful, but it is also the king vulture

this is the culture that whispers to me my role

this is the culture that keeps me from being whole

and if not culture, than its the people of this juncture

that tell me that i am tame,

that i can make no claims

and i am the one to blame

it is them that tell me

to not reach high

and not reach for fame

and they proclaim my shame

as if i defamed my name

but they can't blow me off like a candle's flame

because what we want is the same

a respectable name

and achievements with no restrain

again, i will tell you that i am not tame

that i am a woman

but i am not afraid to walk through alleyways

and i am a woman

but i will not trade my opinions for a status raise

and I will not be played and neither will i fade

so listen carefully,

because i will not repeat and i will not rephrase.


The first few takes, although with mistakes had more passion; to hear this poem click here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your poetry always makes me think. Keep the recordings coming.

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