fuck, capitalism.
I think I am a socialist.
So what was it that we were all supposed to strive for?
I mean for the 12 years of school it was university, college, something. Looking forward to real education. But it's back the same way it always was. Sure the teachers are better looking, and the seats are more cushioned, the books more expensive and the morning coffee more rich, but we are still taught history with triangles and english with commas.
That's another thing, why have I spent 12 years taking formal english class in school and still have not been taught the proper use of commas, semi-colons etc. Isn't first year university essay writing class a little delayed response to our nations almost minimal skills in proper use of grammar? (illiteracy, biggest proponent of ignorance). By this age my use of punctuation and proper techniques are so habitual that it takes a lot of unnecessary effort to unlearn what I have been fed.
Oh, how we are seduced by the lowly standards of Canadian education.
While I should be working on a critical reading exercise, I am doing this because it seems like an overwhelming task which I wish I had been equipped for.
Ready for commencement?
I miss you and yes, I am ready for commencement.
hey, I just realized, I have a closet full of dress shirts. Just not any white ones.
I'm not ready, since I happen to have an exam/midterm/evaluation/university related stuff from 6-8pm that day.
Woo, I get to be unseen!
Well you know what :Dzuppka:D? I'm missing a midterm, which was rescheduled to be at the same time as my other midterm.
and I'm coming!
you, zuppka, can't not come to commencement.
You just cannot do that.
that is illegal.
Nick just wants attention.
Aruba, that comment sounded like something a newly landed immigrant would say.
I read her comment in an accent.
and I am not an attention whore
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